Lower gastrointestinal cancer treatment and support

Lower gastrointestinal cancer is also called bowel or colorectal cancer. It happens in the large intestine of the digestive system

Cancer Education
2 min read

Our team has extensive experience managing people with colorectal and lower gastrointestinal cancer. We focus on patient care, and a commitment to research and education supports us. Depending on your presentation and diagnosis, one or more specialists may see you. This may include a  

  • colorectal surgeon 

  • gastroenterologist 

  • radiation oncologist 

  • or a medical oncologist.  

The colorectal nurse coordinators will see you. A stomal therapy clinical nurse consultant may also see you if necessary. 

Your specialist may arrange several investigations including x-rays and scans, or a colonoscopy. They will get reports of prior investigations. Your specialist team will often discuss your case at a multidisciplinary team meeting. This meeting will include radiologists and pathologists. Together they will generate a personalised management plan. All the required specialists will then review you in the multidisciplinary clinic. 

The team is here to support you through your diagnosis and treatment. They will help you make informed decisions about your care. 

Enhancing your care 

We supply the most up-to-date tests and treatment for colon cancers. 

Our lower gastrointestinal cancer specialists will work with you to assess your condition. They will then plan and deliver the most effective treatment. 

We will tailor your care plan to treat your specific colon cancer and the needs most important to you. 

Living with cancer 

We know how hard cancer and treatment can be. It can disrupt and change your lifestyle and that of your loved ones. During this time, it is common to struggle with ongoing concerns about cancer and therapy. There are many expert groups available to support you through this time, including: 

Lower gastrointestinal cancer support 

We focus on all aspects of your health and wellbeing. Our lower gastrointestinal experts will help support you. They can also guide you to the best information and managed care. 

Our specialist nurses can refer you to our: 

The Cancer Council in your state supplies information and support for cancer patients. Cancer Council’s 13 11 20 phone service is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Experienced cancer nurses staff this line. They can support you, your carers, and loved ones. This support can include both emotional and practical support.  

Bowel Cancer Australia is a national charity. Its mission is to decrease the impact of bowel cancer in our society. They do so through advocacy, awareness, education, support, and research. Find more information at Bowel Cancer Australia. 

Patient and carer resources 

More information about lower gastrointestinal cancers is available. This covers their treatment and support for patients and families. Download copies of the following resources: 

Pages related to lower gastrointestinal cancer