Speech Pathology

Our speech pathology team assess and treat a wide range of difficulties. These include difficulties are related to speech, swallowing, or communicating

We offer speech pathology to patients with cancer of the head and neck region. We will see patients with other cancers as needed. If you have head and neck cancer, swallowing or communicating may be difficult. That's because of the location of your tumour or the treatment you are receiving. We may refer you to a speech pathologist. They can assess any difficulties and supply relevant information and interventions. 

How speech pathology can help 

Radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and surgery can all cause side effects. These side effects include difficulty swallowing, problems chewing, and voice or communication problems. These may mean that you need a speech pathologist. A speech pathologist will help you communicate if we have removed your larynx (voice box). 

Swallowing problems are particularly common for cancer patients. Untreated problems can affect your quality of life. It can lead to a person accidentally breathing in food or liquid into their lungs instead of swallowing it. This is known as aspiration pneumonia. To diagnose the cause of a swallowing problem we may use two techniques. These include a moving x-ray examination or a fibreoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing. We can supply suitable advice and/or exercises. These include teaching techniques to make it easier and safer to swallow. We can also change the texture or thickness of what you eat and drink. 

Speech Pathology service times 

Our services are available Monday to Friday, from 8:30am to 4:30pm. 

Speech Pathology referral information 

Your treating team may believe you need help from a speech pathologist. If so, they will supply the necessary referral for you. You may also believe you need to see a speech pathologist. If so, you can also speak to a member of your treating team and they can supply a referral for you. 

Some treatments are likely to affect your swallowing or communication abilities. These treatments include chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or surgery. We may schedule an appointment if you are receiving one of these treatments. This will depend on your cancer location. You will then see a speech pathologist. These appointments are an important part of your care. They will ensure we deliver the right advice as early in your treatment as possible. 


  • Phone: (03) 8559 5220 
  • Fax: (03) 8559 5239 


We are within the Nutrition and Speech Pathology Department, which is jointly managed by;

