Your Thoughts Matter

At Peter Mac, Your Thoughts Matter. We want to hear from you first and foremost, as we would like to work with you instead of working for you

Your Thoughts Matter

Your Thoughts Matter is an evidence-based education program designed to embed core communication skills within health services.

Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre have partnered with Safer Care Victoria and the Centre for Organisational Change in Person-Centred Healthcare (OCPH) at Deakin University to deliver the program across the organisation.

We are implementing this program of communication training for all staff (clinical and non-clinical) to help us find out ‘what matters’ to our patients and carers, and not just what is the matter with them.

Our aim is to make a truly innovative change to the experiences of our patients, families, and carers. We want to improve staff communication skills to help them build respectful interactions with you, your family and your carers.

Our Question Prompt Sheet can help you share any thoughts, concerns and questions you have by asking questions at your appointment. This question sheet provides ideas and prompts to help you prepare your questions and the discussions you would like to have to help you partner in your care and treatment decisions.

Learn more about asking questions during your hospital visit.

If you would like to give us feedback on your communication experience, please use our Your Thoughts Matter Communication Feedback Survey to submit your anonymous feedback.

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