Superficial X-Ray Radiation Therapy (SXRT)

Superficial x-ray radiation therapy uses low-penetrating x-rays to deliver treatment

Superficial X-Ray Radiation Therapy can be very effective in treating skin cancer as the x-rays don’t penetrate far into your body. 

Getting treatment 

Speak to your doctor 

Speak with your doctor to decide if SXRT is the right treatment choice for you. 

Your appointment 

On the day of your appointment, you will need to come into one of our four radiation therapy sites:  

The treatment 

Inside the treatment room, our radiation therapy team will:  

  1. Draw around the area of your skin requiring treatment with a temporary pencil. 
  2. Put shielding in place by putting a thin lead shield on your skin. 
  3. Match a hole in the lead exactly to the area we are treating. 
  4. Mold the soft shielding to the shape of your skin - this will protect the surrounding tissue. 
  5. Position the radiation therapy machine to touch the shielding - though you will not feel this. 
  6. Leave the treatment room and turn the machine on. This ensures they do not get any radiation themselves. 
  7. Watch you during the treatment – this will take a few minutes. 
  8. Turn the machine off and come back in – the treatment is now complete. 
  9. Remove the temporary pencil mark before you leave. 

The Superficial X-Ray Radiation Therapy team 

A team of specialists will plan and deliver SXRT, including:  

  • radiation oncologists 

  • radiation therapists  

  • and medical physicists.  

A range of other professionals will also support you. These professionals will include nurses and allied health practitioners. Our radiation therapy team is proud to offer this treatment. We continue to develop and progress your treatment options. 

What we use Superficial X-Ray Radiation Therapy for 

SXRT is most effective for skin cancers and some non-cancerous skin conditions including: