
This page provides an overview of Telehealth and can assist you in getting started with using Telehealth video calls


Ask your Peter Mac doctor, Patient Navigator, or nurse if you would like a telehealth consultation by video. Do a test call and find out what to do if the test call doesn't work. 

Quick Telehealth links 

Test call

Start video call

Peter Mac staff

About Telehealth 

We are committed to providing the best care, as close to home as possible.  

We offer video consultations when suitable to support this quality and convenient support.  

You can have a video consultation at home or at another local health service, with your:

  • GP (General Practitioner) 
  • Practice Nurse 
  • Cancer Resource Nurse

If you have rights to free Australian public healthcare, there are no costs to you when using telehealth with us. 

Your journey with Telehealth

Telehealth testimonials 

See and read for yourself about telehealth from our patients, regional clinicians, and doctors

Find out what you need 

Check what you'll need to make sure you have all the right equipment

Request a video consultation 

Ask your Peter Mac team about telehealth. 

  • Please ask at your next appointment with your Peter Mac doctor, Patient Navigator, or nurse (or call them beforehand) if you would like a consultation by video 
  • We will talk to you about getting bloods or imaging done locally beforehand if this is needed
  • Sometimes a video consultation at home is fine. At other times it is best with your GP, Practice Nurse, Oncologist or Cancer Resource Nurse. If you prefer one of these specialists to be included in your future virtual appointment with us, please tell your Patient Navigator in advance. Your treating team will work out the best option for you 
  • If it is suitable, you will get an appointment letter that includes instructions 

Do a test call 

Do a test call - and find out what to do if the test call doesn’t work

Start a video call 

Please start your video call at least five to 10 minutes before your booked video appointment. You can do so by visiting the telehealth webpage. Then click the 'Start video call' button, and follow the instructions on starting a video call. 

Support – what to do if a video call does not work for you today 

Please contact us if you can’t get your video call to work, or need to cancel or reschedule your appointment. 



Teletrials uses telehealth to let you access and participate in clinical trials closer to home. WeCan have a great list of videos to explain how we conduct Teletrials. 

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