Dr Anna Trigos
Dr Anna Trigos is a Group Leader in the Computational Biology Program. She leads the Multi-omic Evolution and Ecosystems lab focusing on understanding cancer evolution and ecosystems through the analysis of -omics data and the application of computational methods.
Dr. Trigos completed her undergraduate degree in biology at the Simon Bolivar University in Venezuela in 2011, followed by a MSc in Bioinformatics at the University of Melbourne in 2014 and a PhD at the Peter Mac and University of Melbourne in 2018. During her PhD, she revealed how transcriptome-level reprogramming in cancer is linked to the evolution of genes and regulatory networks (Trigos et al, PNAS 2017; Trigos et al, eLife 2019; Trigos et al, Brit J Cancer 2018), for which she received the Joseph Sambrook Prize for Research Excellence and the Postgraduate Research Medal by Peter Mac. As a postdoc, she developed the first spatial-based gene-expression signature in prostate cancer (Trigos et al., 2022), and built and led her team to develop novel bioinformatics tools to analyse microenvironments (Feng, …., Trigos., Nature Communications 2023).
In 2020 she was awarded the Lea Award Medal recognising emerging female research leaders by the Peter Mac, and in 2021 she received the Young Investigator Award by the Prostate Cancer Foundation.
She has been awarded funding from NHMRC and the CASS Foundation as lead CI, and has received collaborative funding from the Prostate Cancer Foundation and the Department of Defence in the US.